Friday, February 29, 2008

First Day Blog

This is my first blog with this site. My previous blog site disappeared without any notice. I have worked as a nurse for 34 years on both US coasts. Nursing is a great field. You can work almost any place, time, or schedule. The wide open availability has afforded me a great life. Lots of fields to explore and I did. As a restless soul nursing has let me do adults, oncology, cardiology, ICU's, registries, floating, hematology, and finally neonatalogy.
I went to diploma school for nursing first. This type of school is all but gone. I went for three years to a hospital school in Massachusetts. We lived in the dorm next to the hospital.
Then for 12 years I had to go part time to college. There were actually 11 colleges I went to before I graduated with my BSN. The University of New York Regents program let me challenge almost all my credits for a AA. The University of Phoenix accepted all those other schools plus letting me go to classes once a week.
UOP was so convenient that I went for my masters. Education has been helpful to me. I was able to get a Clinical Nurse Specialist license and certification. Now I am publishing, doing studies, and speaking. It seems the more I explore the more I get to do. I feel very alive.

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